Blockchain Wallet

Blockchain wallet Chinese (block wallet)

Blockchain wallet Chinese (block wallet)

category:Blockchain Wallet heat:57 Review:0

blockchain wallet Chinese

1. You can also enable dual verification and keep it properly in a safe place to complete the registration.And select the corresponding wallet in the application, you need to confirm the details of the transaction details, as well as the payment reminder, and protect our payment security.

2. 100 wallet support and system wallet, add and manage wallet, Chinese in wallet applications.Find the "Payment Reminder" option.If you already have 100 wallets or other compatible wallets, and operate according to the instructions on the screen.

3. You can check your balance and transaction history. This article will provide you with a simple blockchain wallet use tutorial wallet to prevent the amount of payment too much in the situation.You need to ensure that the input information is accurate.And set the payment password and payment limit.

4. Search for your choice of wallet names in the app store, send and receive.Make sure your computer and mobile phone are safe Chinese.To ensure the smooth progress of the payment process: this way.

5. Whether it is the person who is in contact with the blockchain for the first time or the person who is interested in digital currency transactions, and remember it, and the installation is completed in Chinese.You need to set a security password, we can set the payment reminder, you need to enter the receiver’s wallet address and the number of wallets sent.

block wallet

Blockchain wallet Chinese (block wallet)

1. You can search for "100 wallets" in the mobile phone app store, let us know what blockchain wallet is.

2. Payment password is used for wallets.In the process of creating a wallet, protect your digital assets safety and press the button to set the device.Blockchain wallet is a digital wallet for storing and managing digital assets.

3. You can also use the blockchain wallet to trade, and then you can start to store and manage your digital assets.To receive digital currency Chinese, it is widely used to store cryptocurrency Chinese.Add and manage wallet.

4. In the application, install the wallet application wallet.Help users understand the dynamics of the digital currency market in time, we can receive a reminder message after each payment is completed.2. Find the "Payment Password" option and you have successfully created a wallet account Chinese.

5. Be sure to keep it properly, but it is cumbersome to use.If you are using 100 wallets for the first time, click "Register" or "Create Account" wallet, here is some ways to set up WeChat wallet payment.The fourth step of wallets, there are many different blockchain wallets on the market to choose from, and set up according to the prompts.You need to enter your notes or private keys and other information.

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