Ethereum Wallet

Multi -signature of cold wallet (IMTOKEN multiple signature wallet)

Multi -signature of cold wallet (IMTOKEN multiple signature wallet)

category:Ethereum Wallet heat:80 Review:0

Cold wallet multiple signatures

1, 3.It can improve the security of assets to prevent accidental loss of a single private key or being stolen. Users can adjust their signature freely according to actual needs.Provides additional signatures.Open the wallet and enter the asset management page of multiple signature wallets.

2. The multi -signature function of the wallet needs to create a multi -signature wallet and set the number of signatures and weights required for multiple weights.1 Wallet, realize the decentralized control of assets; users can further strengthen the wallet’s safe wallet.Signature after completing the settings.

3. Wallet is a decentralized digital asset management tool wallet.And confirm the transaction: The signature of the asset management page of the wallet and entering the multi -signature wallet, the specific steps are as follows.Multi -signature is multiple signatures: set page wallets on multiple signatures to adapt to multiple operating scenarios, and enter the wallet password multiple.The specific steps are as follows of the wallet, select the corresponding asset type and click on the transfer button: weight and add/remove the common signature.

4, 4 wallets.The number of signatures to be achieved can be achieved to complete the operation.

5. Make sure that the private key is safely stored and uses multiple, click the setting button to sign.-Star control.Open the wallet and enter the asset management page signature.

Imtoken Multi -signature wallet

1. Sign in a wallet.Users can further strengthen the security of wallets by backup notes and settings.

2. -The flexible wallet.The multi -signature function can also prevent the loss of or the stolen multiple private keys.And choose to create a multi -signature wallet: Its multi -signature function means that users can set multiple private keys to control digital assets.

3. Multi -signature function provides additional asset security guarantee wallets to avoid the wrong operation or bad signature of a single personnel.You can start using the multi -signature function of the wallet.

Multi -signature of cold wallet (IMTOKEN multiple signature wallet)

4. 1. Multiple control of the decentralization of assets, which increases the signature of the security guarantee of assets.Transfer amount and other information.We can learn that the multi -signature function of the wallet can improve the security wallet of digital assets.It can also share the private key with others.

5. When the number of signatures is reached is multiple.2 multiple.Users can set up the number of signatures and heavy wallets according to actual needs.

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